Practically Tasty

Being home for meals doesn’t have to be ho-hum. Here are Five Tips to tantalize your family’s taste buds:

1.  DO survey your fridge and pantry to use soon-to-peak ingredients first.  Pay particular attention to fresh produce – fruits and veggies that are on-hand that may go past their prime in a day or two.

2.  DON’T judge on looks alone.  An estimated 46% of fruits and vegetables never make it from farm to fork, being discarded by markets and farmers because consumers opt for perfect, cookie-cutter produce.  Misshapen tomatoes, bell peppers, apples, and more are rejected by consumers, who often instead pick the cookie-cutter shapes.  While you should avoid moldy or heavily bruised fruits and veggies, the misfits are otherwise equally nutritious as their perfectly-shaped counterparts.

3.  DO shop in-season. When a fruit or veggie is abundantly available, it can be enjoyed at its optimal flavor and nutritional profile.  They also tend to be less expensive at the market.

4.  DO avoid esoteric ingredients.  Don’t be tempted to make a recipe that calls for items that you will not use in another recipe, or ever again.  Have at least 2 recipes in-mind when buying a major ingredient, that way you can streamline meals for the week and simplify the shopping.  For example: boneless, skinless chicken breast can be made into a stir-fry, poached to accent a salad, stuffed with a savory filling and baked, featured in a flavorful stew, and more.

5.  DO seek ethnic inspirations.  Chinese, southeast Asian, and Mexican cooking use bold seasonings that impart flavor.  As well, studies suggest that certain spices are not merely flavorful accents to recipes, but can exert health effects such as to modulate markers of inflammation.  Experiment and expand your culinary horizons.